MSBI Best Practices for SSIS

Terminology Used
Best Practice
Data Types use
Make data types as narrow as possible so you will allocate less memory for your transformation
One of the main tenets of scalable computing is to partition problems into smaller, more manageable chunks. This allows you to more easily handle the size of the problem and make use of running parallel processes in order to solve the problem faster.
Minimize logged operations
When you insert data into your target SQL Server database, use minimally logged operations if possible. When data is inserted into the database in fully logged mode, the log will grow quickly because each row entering the table also goes into the log.
Use caching in your LOOKUP components where possible. It makes them quicker. Watch that you are not grabbing too many resources when you do this though.
SSIS is an in-memory pipeline, so ensure that all transformations occur in memory.
Resource Utilization
Plan for capacity by understanding resource utilization.

Baseline Source System extract speed
Understand your source system and how fast you extract from it. After all, Integration Services cannot be tuned beyond the speed of your source – i.e., you cannot transform data faster than you can read it.


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